Friday, October 24, 2008

1. A myth is a legend, religious belief, spiritual values of a culture, worldview, oral tradition, or a legend. An example of a myth would be the story of Demeter and Persephone.

2. A hero is someone who models human behavior for their society, earns lasting fame, and performs great deeds for the benefits of others. An example of a hero would be Prometheus.

3. Hero journey is hero’s road of trials, battles, and obstacles. A hero journey involves transformation. A boon/gift, an ultimate battle, companions, and guides. An example of a hero journey would be the story of Hercules and his twelve labors.

4. Universal is the big picture and applies to all. It can describe an ordinary human with a special characteristic that sets him, not just a hero. The idea of duality can be an example of universal. The fact to both good and evil exist.

5. The original model or a structure/foundation can be used to describe archetypal. An example or archetypal would be the three archetypal images of creation. The world begins as either and egg, watery abyss, or void.

6. Cyclical is the repetitiveness, following of a continuous pattern, or a cycle of a hero journey. An example would be any hero journey. They all follow a cyclical pattern and constantly repeat that cycle.

7. Duality is the quality of opposites in a whole. Good and evil existing at the same time fits the idea of duality.

8. Creation is the starting of something new. An example of creation the beginning of all creation myths. The story begins with the world portrayed as one of the three archetypal images and being created.

9. The studies of the world/universe is the definition of cosmology. The big bang theory, or any other theories of how the world came into being, would be an example of cosmology.

10. Life from death is the fact that death creates life. For example sacrificing one life for the lives of many, making sacrifices to gods, or in some Greek myths, when gods died, their body was used to create different features of the world.

11. Matriarchal is the foundation of female power. The mother is the main focus. An example of matriarchal would be the story of Tiamat.

12. The foundation of male power where the male is in charge is considered patriarchal. Greek mythology is an example of partriarchal because Zeus is dominant god.

13. Any tribute to a god or giving something up for the common good would be a sacrifice. For example, in the Christian religion Jesus sacrificed his life for the common good of everyone in the world.

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